AI MAnufacturing Testing and ExperimenTation network For EuRopean industrieS – AI MATTERS


60.000.000 €


24 partners


Innovation for life | TNO (Netherlands) – Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) – Brainport Industries (Netherlands) – ARENA2036  (Germany) –  Fraunhofer (Germany) – University of Stuttgart (Germany) – Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Germany) – CEA List (France) – CEA (France) – Tecnalia (Spain) – AFM Cluster – Advanced and Digital Manufacturing (Spain) – LMS – Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation (Greece) – MADE – Competence Center Industria 4.0 (Italy) – Reply Santer (Italia) – FBK | Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Italy) – Czech technical university in Prague (Czech Republic) – Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) – CEITEC (Czech Republic) – Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic) – Danish Technological Institute (Denmark) – Alexandra Instituttet (Denmark) – FORCE Technology (Denmark) – Odense Robotics (Denmark) 


AI-MATTERS, a project implemented under the Digital Europe Program and funded by the European Union and the MIMIT, is one of the four AI TEF (Testing & Experimentation Facilities) networks aimed at promoting the adoption of artificial intelligence in the manufacturing sector.


  • Supporting AI solution and technology providers for the manufacturing sector by offering dedicated TEF (Testing & Experimentation Facility) services and infrastructure.  
  • Making Europe a center of excellence in the production and use of AI technologies and solutions.  
  • Supporting the European manufacturing sector through the adoption of AI technologies and solutions (robotics, intelligent and autonomous production systems, etc.).


Offering validation, testing, and experimentation services for AI solutions aimed at the manufacturing industry.


Companies developing AI solutions and technologies, system integrators, solution & technology providers.

MADE4.0 role

MADE Competence Center Industria 4.0 is the coordinator of the Italian node of the AI-MATTERS project, consisting of MADE4.0, FBK | Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Reply Santer.

The company, recognized as a Digital Innovation Hub by the European Commission, offers a “Testing & Experimentation Facility” where solutions, technologies, and applications can be tested and validated before being offered to the market.

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