With the publication in the Gazzetta Ufficiale Della Legge No. 91 of 15 July 2022 (the law converting DL Aiuti), the new tax incentive regime on Training 4.0 was confirmed: the tax credit rates under the Transition 4.0 Plan increase from 50% to 70% for small enterprises and from 40% to 50% for medium-sized enterprises, while they remain at 30% for large enterprises.
The objective of the new measure is to support companies’ investments in training courses even more effectively, so that they are consistent with the technological transformation of production processes and linked to the needs of companies under Piano Transizione 4.0. The operational details will be defined by the MiSE, with an implementing decree already signed by Minister Giorgetti and awaiting publication in Gazzetta Ufficiale.
To accompany companies in the important and strategic process of digital transformation, ANIMA Confindustria and ICIM Group, together with the MADE Competence Center Industria 4.0, are making a series of training courses available to interested companies, eligible for Training 4.0 funding.
Here are the first dates and topics on the calendar for Autumn 2022:
29 September – Manufacturing 4.0: Artificial Intelligence, IoT and Interconnected Product
3 October – From Industry 4.0 to Enterprise 4.0. The Added Value of Enterprise Management Systems
13 October – Green Factory: Smart Monitoring and Control of Industrial Processes
17 October – Industry 4.0, Corporate Sustainability and Management Systems
10 November – Industry 4.0 and Information Security Management Systems
11 November – Industrial Cyber Security and Big Data Analytics
For more information visit MADE Competence Center Industria 4.0 or contact formazione@made-cc.eu