L’intelligenza artificiale a supporto delle Operations
Alla scoperta dei vantaggi del risparmio energetico e del monitoraggio della fabbrica in un vero e proprio impianto dimostrativo.
Alla scoperta dei vantaggi del risparmio energetico e del monitoraggio della fabbrica in un vero e proprio impianto dimostrativo.
Alla scoperta dei vantaggi del risparmio energetico e del monitoraggio della fabbrica in un vero e proprio impianto dimostrativo.
Un percorso creato appositamente per chi intende avviare o ha avviato un percorso di digitalizzazione e innovazione, per avere una panoramica completa sulla fabbrica del futuro.
MADE4.0 collaborates with tech.STARS, the first Italian event on data centers, AI, and big data, scheduled for March 6-7 2025.
Go to page14/11/2023
The Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED), as part of its efforts to achieve the goals of the Abu Dhabi Industrial Strategy, organized the second seminar on the "Smart Manufacturing Incentive Program (SMIP)" in which MADE Competence Center took part.
Go to page02/03/2023
ABB, leader tecnologico nell’elettrificazione e nell’automazione entra in MADE4.0.
Go to page17/11/2022
Memorandum of Understanding to enhance the UAE's Industry 4.0 ecosystem.MADE - Competence Industy 4.0 and Abu Dhabi's Department of Economic Development. (ADDED) signed a memorandum of understanding to enhance the UAE's i4.0 ecosystem.
Go to page17/11/2022
Training 4.0 and new tax benefits. From September, ANIMA and ICIM Group's courses at MADE.With the publication in the Official Gazette of Law No. 91 of July 15, 2022 (the law converting DL Aiuti), the new tax concession scheme on training 4.0 has been confirmed.
Go to page29/07/2022
Milan, July 29, 2022 – UniCredit and MADE Competence Center Industria 4.0, the highly specialized facility promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development as part of the national Industria 4.0 plan, now Transition 4.0 directly traceable to the PNRR – have renewed the Framework Agreement aimed at giving concrete support to UniCredit’s business customers, particularly SMEs, […]
Go to page22/06/2022
Competence centers are now accredited training providers.Thanks to the implementing decree of the Ministry of Economic Development signed by Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, Competence Centers are now accredited entities to deliver training activities subject to tax credit.
Go to page11/05/2022
In-person training for Thales.Two days of training among the technology areas in MADE - competence Center Industry 4.0 concluded on Tuesday, May 10.
Go to page03/05/2022
Training day at MADE cci4.0 with DIH Marche.On Tuesday, May 3, DIH Marche participated in a training day at MADE - Competence Center Industry 4.0. It thus had the opportunity to visit our digital factory and touch the technologies there.
Go to page01/03/2022
On Monday, February 28, INAIL (National Institute for Industrial Accident Insurance), the only public body in the partnership of MADE – Competence Center Industry 4.0, visited our digital factory located in the Bovisa campus of the Milan Polytechnic. Present on the occasion were the top management of the Institute namely The President, Franco Bettoni, the […]
Go to page18/02/2022
On Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, students from ITS Lombardo Sustainable Mobility visited MADE - Competence Center Industry 4.0 to discover Digital Factory technologies.
Go to page08/02/2022
On Tuesday, February 8, 2022, we hosted a delegation from the United Arab Emirates on an official visit. The Emirati Minister of Economy, Abdullah Bin Touq AlMarri, and the ambassador, Omar Obaid Alshamsi, attended the presentation of the Italian model of Competence Center MADE.
Go to page21/01/2022
DIH Marche chooses MADE Competence Center i4.0 for the second consecutive year to launch a training course consisting of 9 online modules. The following topics will be covered: Manufacturing, Design 4.0, Lean Processes, Cyber Security, Big Data and Business Intelligence and Responsible Manufacturing
Go to page22/12/2021
The year 2021 at MADE has been spectacular: in this article we have summarized the main achievements reached this year. The MADE Staff and Partners - Competence Center Industry 4.0 wish you happy holidays. See you in 2022!
Go to page22/11/2021
Hon. Enzo Amendola visited our digital factory, discovering the manufacturing process 4.0. We are proud to support enterprises in this mission.
Go to page03/11/2021
Futuro24 is RaiNews24's science and technology column, edited by Andrea Bettini and Marco Dedola. Each week a journey into tomorrow, discovering the places where research is being done, the protagonists who work there and the innovations that promise to change our lives.
Go to page11/02/2021
MADE - Competence Center i4.0 and Intesa Sanpaolo have entered into an agreement of collaboration to foster digital transformation, process innovation and, internationalization of Italian companies toward Industry 4.0.
Go to page25/01/2021
MADE, Competence Center Industry 4.0, born from the synergy of 48 partners and an investment of 22 million euros, is a space dedicated to manufacturing SMEs to accompany them on the path towards digital transformation: 20 demonstrators explaining the use of digital technologies in the factory, classrooms for training, co-working spaces, and events.
Go to page18/09/2020
Warrant Hub (Tinexta Group), a leader in advising businesses on finance operations facilitated and in support of innovation and development projects, and MADE announce that they have signed a collaboration agreement aimed at integrating their respective expertise, activities and services for the benefit Italian companies
Go to page01/09/2020
On Tuesday, September 1, Franco Canna interviewed Marco Taisch, President of MADE Competence Center Industry 4.0, live streaming to take stock of the European Digital Innovation Hub and industrial policy for the restart. MADE is an active player in the Italian technology transfer ecosystem, now composed of 675 entities according to the mapping of the […]
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