Enterprise MOM implementation for digitalization of factory processes from a4.0 perspective – MOM

Company name

C.A.T.E.T. S.r.l.

project title

MOM - Enterprise MOM implementation for digitalization of factory processes from a4.0 perspective

dimension and location

Micro Enterprise - Morengo (Bergamo)



C.A.T.E.T. S.r.l. is a small company specialized in the production of electrical wiring, electrical control and command panels.For most of its activity, C.A.T.E.T. S.r.l. is configured as a supplier of companies producing equipment, machinery and devices for which the use of electrical wiring and control panels is necessary.

The problem

C.A.T.E.T. S.r.l. is facing a few operational challenges that hinder the optimization of production, jeopardizing its ability to respond quickly to the needs of an ever-changing market. Despite its focus on continuous technological innovation, the company is facing several barriers to remain competitive and prepare to handle any future increases in workload. Currently, production processes suffer from a lack of availability on progress statuses, mostly managed through nonintegrated computer and/or paper systems, which provide incomplete and non-real-time data. This lack of integration compromises the ability to obtain a complete and accurate view of production. In addition, the absence of a scheduling system makes it difficult to plan heterogeneous activities, such as manual and electronic processing. An additional obstacle is inefficient communication, both among the various departments of the company and between the production department and the office, which slows down the operational and decision-making flow.

The solution

The project involves the implementation of a Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) system for computerization of the production execution process, dispatching of orders to operators via detailed scheduling, and monitoring of production activity related to a machinery and manual processing. The Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) system will be integrated with the company’s ERP to create a two-way information flow between the operational level of the manufacturing plant and the administrative/management level.


From the technological point of view, the proposed innovation concerns the adoption of technologies aimed at the digitization of the production data management and collection process through the interconnection of machines and manual data collection, the use of operator support devices (HMI) and an integrated information system:

  • Manufacturing Execution System (MES): For real-time monitoring of machines and manual operations;
  • Finite capacity scheduling software: To optimize resource and production time management;
  • ERP integration: To improve data flow between factory operations and business management;

Desired Impacts

In summary, the main impacts in terms of internal processes can be determined by considering increases in:

  • Sharing: The know-how of more experienced people becomes structured knowledge of the company (thus Value) that can be made available to all company personnel, especially younger and less experienced figures.
  • Correctness and speed: The ability to transfer information and reduce errors also brings benefits to the end users (customers).
  • Empowerment: in addition to office staff and area managers, field workers will also have more autonomy and responsibility in data imputation and visibility of their own performance, leading to an increase not only in employee participation but also in production efficiency. In addition, an integrated platform will create a useful virtuous circle for employee merit recognition.

Benefits for the company

The implementation of the MOM (Manufacturing Operations Management) system in C.A.T.E.T. S.r.l. will bring significant improvements to production processes, products and organizational structure, positioning the company as a leader in technological innovation.

  • Process optimization: The MOM system enables real-time monitoring and proactive management of production activities, improving planning capacity and responsiveness to market needs.
  • Product improvement: Reducing and tracking waste, increasing precision and production efficiency. This leads to improved product quality and greater customer satisfaction.
  • Integration and communication: Promotes better communication and collaboration between departments, thanks to a centralized and integrated approach. Information and data can be easily shared, optimizing internal management.
  • Data-driven decisions: Analysis of collected data facilitates informed decisions and continuous improvements, identifying bottlenecks and areas for improvement to implement effective solutions.
  • Competitive Advantage: Integration of the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) with the company’s ERP and resources provides a competitive advantage through complete visibility into production performance and the ability to adapt quickly to market changes.
  • Supporting Corporate Culture: Fosters the development of an innovation-oriented corporate culture, attracting and retaining talent, and increasing corporate resilience.
  • Operational efficiency and automation: It improves process automation, accuracy and speed of operations, reducing waste and operational costs, and increasing the ability to meet customer needs quickly.
In summary, the adoption of the MOM system will make C.A.T.E.T. S.r.l. more efficient, competitive and customer satisfaction-oriented, while also facilitating the implementation of new production strategies and innovative technologies.

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