Strategy 4.0 – Valmex
Percorso di trasformazione digitale per raggiungere uno stadio di maturità digitale più elevato.
Valmex Group
Strategy 4.0 - Valmex
Large enterprise, Fano
School of Management – Politecnico di Milano

Valmex is a leading global supplier of components for the home heating industry. Valmex wants to embark on a digital transformation journey in order to reach a higher stage of digital maturity. To achieve this, the company must first:
- Understand the current state of its digital maturity level;
- Understand methodologies to implement in its processes;
- Identify the highest priority innovation projects;
In doing so, the company will receive a strategy that will serve as a guideline for transferring Industry 4.0 concepts into the company.
“Industry 4.0 Strategy” is the service that MADE makes available to manufacturing companies to accompany them on their digital transformation journey. Specifically, this service involves identifying, in accordance with the objectives and peculiarities of the companies, a plan for the adoption of digital technologies and strategic skills suitable to ensure the evolution towards Industry 4.0, both in terms of process efficiency and effectiveness.
- Assessment of the level of digital maturity of each business process and function (product engineering and design, production management, quality management, logistics management, maintenance management, supply chain management).
- Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each process investigated.
- Identification of improvement opportunities that can direct the company’s digital journey.
- Assignment and planning of projects to introduce digital solutions according to business support.
- Identification and definition of 5 appropriate innovation projects to lead the company towards an Industry 4.0 paradigm.
- Initiation of 2 innovation projects on the following topics: cyber security, optimization of production scheduling
Benefits for the enterprise
- The strategic plan is declined into tactical-operational plan;
- The activities, skills, time and resources needed for the company to undertake the different innovation projects identified are identified;
- Identification of a cross-functional approach needed to guide the company to address critical issues (and thus improvement projects) with great collaboration across functions.
Technologies used
- Digital Transformation;
- Roadmap 4.0;
- Strategy 4.0.