Strategy 4.0 – Emmi Dessert
Emmi Dessert
Digital transformation path to reach a higher stage of digital maturity.
company name
Emmi Dessert
titolo del progetto
Strategia 4.0 - Emmi Dessert
dimensione e localizzazione
Grande impresa, Novara
Polimi Graduate School of Management

The problem
To embark on a digital transformation journey, the company has the following requirements:
- Understand the current state of its digital maturity level;
- Understand methodologies to be implemented in its processes to reach a higher stage of digital maturity;
- Identify the level of digital technology adoption within the 3 production facilities in order to identify a common and integrated implementation plan for the entire group;
- Create group identity on digital transformation, i.e. understand whether at the time of the analysis, the company was up-to-date on the capabilities of all technologies available today.
The solution
“Industry 4.0 Strategy” is the tool that MADE4.0 makes available to manufacturing companies to accompany them on their path towards digital transformation. Specifically, this service involves identifying, in accordance with the objectives and peculiarities of the companies, a plan for the adoption of digital technologies and strategic skills suitable to ensure the evolution towards Industry 4.0 both in terms of process efficiency and effectiveness.
- Assessment of the level of digital maturity of each business process and function (production planning, production management, logistics, and maintenance).
- Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each process investigated.
- Identification of improvement opportunities that can direct the company’s digital path.
- Assignment and planning of projects to introduce digital solutions according to business support.
Benefit for the company
- Strategic plan is declined into tactical-operational plan.
- Improves competitiveness.
- Increases internal (communication between functions) and external (technologies) awareness.
Identification of a cross-functional approach needed to guide the company to address critical issues (and thus improvement projects) with great collaboration between functions.
Technologies used
- Digital transformation
- Roadmap 4.0
- Strategia 4.0