Programma: EIT- Manufacturing (ID 22144)
01/01/2022 – 31/12/2022
Technology to Market for Competitive Manufacturing in Europe

project title
EU Countries
Competencies used
Tech2Market aims to create a competition to attract, select and support technological results from R&D projects potentially pave their way to the market. These tech results were developed in previous R&D activities in the context of H2020, Horizon Europe, or National/Regional programmes. The main goal will be to support IP protection and commercialization, as well as venture creation through training activities, a mentorship program, and initial financial support.The R&D results will be taken by teams from all over Europe. For that reason, the consortium has a broad coverage: INESC TEC (Portugal), BGI (Portugal), Cleantech (Bulgaria), MADE (Italy), Buildit (Latvia), and Łukasiewicz-PIAP (Poland), also covering all the CLCs.
MADE role
MADE, candidate to European Digital Innovation Hub acknowledged in JRC catalogues, will support validation and optimisation of proposals through “Test Before Invest” methodologies and promote linkages with Digital Europe program opportunities (e.g. advanced digital skills) with focus on accessing EDIH services to assess and boost digital maturity of proposals. INESC TEC will provide technological expertise.
As partner of EEN, will establish the links with EEN clients to facilitate the solutions’ proof of concepts.
The mentorship program will be specialised in the kCF for investment readiness level.
- To create an integrated EU network based on the 5 countries;
- Collaboration when supporting the startups and leveraging each others’ best practices and networks.
- To train a new generation of mentors and entrepreneurs in the manufacturing industry that are able to convert their technical knowledge into applied value in the market.
- To make Europe a more competitive market in innovation within a cleaner, more sustainable, and resilient manufacturing industry.
- Have a positive influence on future researchers, mentors and investors of tomorrow.
- To enable a more responsible, sustainable, and resilient manufacturing industry aligned with Horizon EU key strategic orientations (KSO) for manufacturing industries.